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  • Have you ever heard of this Greek island?!

Have you ever heard of this Greek island?!

Greetings, travelers!

Today’s theme is…. 💎HIDDEN GEM💎

Did you know there are 227 Greek islands?!

Let's talk about one of them…. no, not Santorini. Not Mykonos. It’s a larger island that’s so underrated, some people haven’t even heard of it.

A huge mission of this newsletter is to highlight the lesser-known places around the world that deserve some recognition. You know, to help people get off the good ‘ole “Trip Advisor Trail.”

What is it, you ask? We’re talking about the enchanting island of Naxos.

Located directly north of the infamous moon-shaped island of Santorini, Naxos is a place where history and magic blend together to create an experience that's truly one-of-a-kind. Its ancient ruins and cobblestone streets transport visitors back to a time when myths and legends are at the forefront. The island is home to a variety of historical and cultural landmarks, including the famous Portara, which is the remains of an ancient temple of Apollo that dates back to the 6th century BC!

The old town of Naxos, with its picturesque alleys and Venetian architecture, is also a must-see attraction. In addition to these sights, Naxos also has a variety of outdoor activities, such as hiking and windsurfing, that allow you to fully experience the island's natural beauty.

Portara, dating back to the 6th century BC

But let's not forget about the beaches, my friends. Oh, the beaches! Imagine walking on powdery sand that's as white as Zeus's beard, with crystal clear waters that sparkle like gemstones. That's what you'll find in Naxos, where the beach game is so strong, even Poseidon would approve.

When it comes to local cuisine, Naxos has a lot to offer. The island's fertile land and sea provide a rich variety of ingredients, resulting in a unique culinary experience that you won't find anywhere else in Greece. Naxian potatoes, for example, are a local specialty that are crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, making them the perfect accompaniment to any meal. The island is also known for its delicious cheeses, including graviera and arseniko, which are made from cow and sheep milk, respectively. In addition to these staples, Naxos has a variety of meat dishes, such as pork souvlaki and lamb dishes, that are seasoned with local herbs and spices. So, if you're a foodie looking to indulge in some authentic Greek cuisine, Naxos should definitely be on your list of must-visit islands.

But, at the end of the day, what sets Naxos apart from the other islands is its authenticity. The locals have managed to preserve their way of life, where time moves slower and the sky is bluer. You'll feel like you've stepped into a fairytale, where the stars twinkle just a little bit brighter.

Ancient streets of Naxos Old Town

This hidden gem is waiting to be discovered…

We hope you enjoyed this little literary tour of Naxos, Greece! Enjoy your Wednesday, friends.

Happy Exploring,

The Letters From Afar Team

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